Edwin Carewe – Educational Movie Maker?

While sorting through our archives in preparation for adding new material to the site, we found a small article from “The Film Daily,” a daily movie and film publication, published on November 25, 1936. It is a very small article. We can find no other page or reference for the remainder of the article unless this was the end and the period was left out.

It says that Edwin was planning yet another business venture by creating educational movies that would be used in schools and within the education system. He apparently also planned to do this in Palo Alto. How and why, we wonder. Was there a tie in to Stanford University?

This was at a time in his life and career when things were winding down on a commercial level, since his last film, “Are We Civilized,” which was released in 1934, just two years earlier.
Edwin’s ranching venture in 1932 in Las Vegas was also a bust, four years before this new venture in Palo Alto. He declared bankruptcy in August of 1933, so perhaps he was looking for other avenues to continue his film career.